Sunday, June 26, 2005

Commander Lacus! *hanyan*

Today's Gundam Seed is kinda fun coz the tv station forgot to dub a few scenes. hahahahaha! ^O^ and I heard the Japanese version. but dun understand coz there's no subtitle. after that, I watch the fansub version that my bro download! Yay! Tsubasa Chronicle now has till ep. 12 but I still didn't download yet coz my bro used the net to d/l Gundam Seed and other 3 anime with Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho! Final Approach, the new anime dat my bro d/l is so cute and has a great story! I'm crazy about the ed. song! It's "LOVE,FATE,LOVE". *hanyan* Lacus wear her commander uniform today and steal the Eternal! Yeah! Lacus ROCKS! ^_^

P.S: *hanyan* is something that Sakura do when she saw Yukito. ^_^

Yume-chan . 12:54 pm


Hi, I'm Yume-chan and my blog is in hiatus now. I'm quite busy lately. ^^;; I love this blog and I don't want to delete it. I don't know when I will start again. ^^;; I'm sorry for those who waits for me. ^^;;



sakura (underscore) rinoa4 (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk
yume (underscore) x4 (at) yahoo (dot) com
sakura (underscore) lacus4 (at) hotmail (dot) com
yume (dot) trc4 (at) gmail (dot) com

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codes by Clone

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